"Nike" March 6-7 2004 February 7-8 2004 October 18-19 2003 October 4-5 2003 Click here to go to the Brag page
Delmar's Just Do It For Tara NA NAJ -Owned by Toni Rholke
Nike got his 2nd Open jumpers leg this past weekend. Just one more and
he will have his jumpers title. We didn't get anything in standard
although he had some pretty good runs. Weave poles continue to be a
problem. It is a little hard controlling him because of his speed. Our
qualifying run is because I did a front cross at the jump just before
the weaves to slow him down (actually I stopped him for a second or
two) so he made a nice entrance to the weaves and concentrated on
completing all 12 (he popped on the 11th in one run).
Nike got his NAJ title this weekend in Mississippi with a 100 score and
a first place. We had a little bobble at the weaves but everything else
was fine. Nike also got his first open standard leg (he nailed his
weaves!) with a second place (his score was lower but he had a much
faster time than the first place dog), and his first open jumpers title
with a perfect run. He was nine seconds under and this was a judge that
really wheeled tight courses! A friend was assistant scribe and she
said that after Nike's run the judge asked what his time was. He noted
that he was a nice dog. On Sunday Nike also got his first open jumpers leg!
Well, I made it back from Alpharetta. I got in late last night and had
to work today and had agility class tonite, otherwise I would have sent
a note sooner. Nike is now Delmar's Just Do It for Tara NA! He got his
title by qualifying in three straight runs. He is now in Open
Standard. We had some really great runs in Novice Jumpers but
unfortunately have yet to get a qualifying run. On Friday Nike had a
near perfect jumpers run but missed his footing on the second to last
jump, plowed into it, landed face first, slid in the dirt, got up and
completed the last jump. All well under time (the 3 qualifying dogs
with faster times were all in the 20" division and border collies). It
was a real heartbreaker. On Saturday he entered to tunnel the wrong way
(my fault - I couldn't keep up with him), I sent him back the correct
way and finished almost 20 seconds under time! He did all the other
obstacles great with only a slight bobble at the weaves. Friends of
mine were joking that instead of Run Nike Run, I need a shirt that says
Run Toni Run!
Well Nike had his first agility trail this weekend in Alpharetta, GA. I
only entered him in the Saturday events. In the jumpers course he had a
very good run but he had a back jump at one of the jumps, so he didn't
qualify. He did really good so I'm not complaining. He also had a very
good run in Standard. He had one wrong course with a final score of
95. He won first place! He had a very good time even though he lost
time due to the wrong course, taking a little
to long on the sit stay at the table, and extra time at the weaves.
Even with the bobbles he was 5 seconds under time!