"Boo" March 6-7 2004 October 18-19 2003 October 4-5 2003 May 17th, 2003 February 9, 2003 January 5, 2003 December 8, 2002 November 30, 2002 October 2002 May 3rd & 4th 2002 Feb. 9th 2002
El Ray's Trick Or Treat AX MXJ -Owned by Toni Rohlke
Boo got her 3rd MX leg. We are gradually chipping away at this title (7
more to go). We actually had a really good weekend. She qualified
twice in jumpers and would have qualified for a 3rd (and would have had
one of those infamous double Qs) but she was just a little slow. This
is typical when it gets warmer out. She had some really close runs in
standard. She is running really well and really listening to me.
Boo got her 7th MXJ leg. Only 3 more to go. I think we are both running better than ever. It just seems that we keep making some small mistake that cost us those qualifying scores for our MX.
Boo had a good weekend. She got two more legs (and two 3rd places) in the Masters jumpers events. This brings her to a total of 6 legs out of 10 required for her MXJ title! Her Standard runs were pretty goodbut we didn't qualify. It will take sometime before I see that MX
Boo finally got her AX title this past weekend in Decatur, Ala. on her
first run of the weekend (Saturday May 17). She had a perfect run and
was under time for a First Place! This was her only qualifying run for
the weekend but it really meant a lot. I really wanted to finish her
excellent title before the end of the season. This was my last trial
until fall.
Boo got her 3rd MXJ leg in Louisianna this
weekend and doubled her points from 6 to 12. Would have been more but
Muffy the Pom went to see the chiropractor.LOL We still are still
trying for that "expletive deleted" last AX leg. We just can't seem to
get it. She had two really nice runs this weekend, she has just started
popping out at the end of the weave poles! We plan to keep plugging
I was hoping to announce that Boo had gotten her last leg in Excellent
standard for her AX title, but alas it passed us by this weekend. Again
mostly my fault. She did make good time and hit all of her contacts so
it wasn't too bad. As usual, she doesn't like to see me go home empty
handed and on our last run of the weekend, she had a perfect run in
Excellent B JWW for her first MXJ leg and her first points (only 4 pts.
but I'm still thrilled). She came in second to Muffy, a really fast
pomeranian. Only 20 double Qs and 746 points to go!!!:)
Boo got her AXJ title on December 8. She had a beautiful run and under
time. We didn't have too much luck in the Standard ring. It was so
cold Saturday morning, all the dogs were wired. Boo ran the course
twice by the time we were done LOL. On Sunday I lost my way again! Boo
needs a better handler! I am on cloud nine! She is running so well. I
am really proud of her.
Pensacola, FL
Boo got her second leg in Excellent A JWW on
Saturday, November 30, at our FFDTC trial in Pensacola, FL (my club's
homefront). She was the only one of 4 Excellent A dogs to qualify. She
was even under time! In Standard I did my typical screwup and sent her
over the wrong jump; but on Sunday we had another perfect run in
Standard beating out another club member by 1/2 second for a 1st place
and our 2nd leg in Standard Excellent A. We did not qualify in jumpers
on Sunday (I guess we are waiting to get the titles at the same time
Alpharetta, GA
Boo and I were in Alpharetta, GA this weekend and had a pretty good
time. On Saturday she got a First place (100 pts) in Excellent A
Standard. She was 8 seconds under time! (that would have been 16 pts if
we were running for points). I was so proud of her. Very few dogs
qualified in this event. Only 4 in the 8-16" divisions. I don't think
many in the 20-24" qualified but I didn't get a number. Boo was the only
8" dog to qualify. She was the only A. There were 5 B 8" dogs. None
qualified. She also had one of the fastest times of the small dogs. In
jumpers on Saturday she had a perfect run but was 8 seconds over (must
have made up for the 8 seconds under in Standard LOL). On Sunday (also
known as stupid handler day LOL) in Standard, we missed the teeter so we
got a refusal. She went on to complete the course perfectly and
although she would have had time faults we would have qualified except
for the refusal. I think I didn't give her a clear enough signal and
that was why she missed it the first time. In jumpers on Sunday I sent
her over the wrong jump at obstacle 4. I knew it when I did it and
glanced at the judge. She was shaking her head. I'm sure she was
thinking, boy was that the wrong move. We got back on track and
completed the rest of the course (the difficult part) perfectly. I was
so disappointed but not nearly as disappointed as I was when I found out
we were only 2 seconds over. That could have been my 2nd leg in
Excellent A jumpers. Big thumbs up for Boo for doing everything I asked
and a really big thumbs down for the stupid handler. This was the first
time I really have started to believe that we can get our excellent
titles. We currently have a leg in standard and jumpers. Our next
trial will be Thanksgiving weekend. Carol, she did her weaves
perfectly. That alone deserves a big brag!
Huntsville, AL
Well it has finally happened! Boo has her Open Standard Title. She got
her two remaining legs in Huntsville, AL on Friday and Saturday (May 3
and 4) with a First and Second place. She had a score of 95 on Friday
(refusal at weaves) and a 92 on Saturday (time faults only). Saturday
was a real heart stopper. They had two rings going. She was in
Excellent Jumper and Open Standard. It looked as if I would be running
in both rings at the same time. She ran last in jumpers and second in
Open. To avoid the conflict, they moved me up in jumpers to before the
12" dogs. Ran her there (very tough course - Boo did great but was too
slow). I had enough time to hand her to a friend, run to the Open ring
for walk throughs and then back in for my Open run. No wonder she
didn't make time! On Sunday she ran both excellent events. Did pretty
good but again a bit slow. Need to pick up about 3-4 seconds in speed.
She is still going through the weaves pretty slow.
She is now Elray's Trick or Treat OA OAJ! Boy that sounds great!
We had a great weekend in Gonzales, LA. Boo got a first place in JWW on
Saturday with a score of 95 (she had a refusal at weave poles-of course)
and was well under time. On Sunday she got a first place in JWW with
another score of 95 (she did the weaves perfect:) but had a refusal on
one of the jumps:( which is not like her at all LOL) she again was way
under. I believe 6 seconds under for both days! This was her final leg
and now she has her OAJ!!!!!! Although we didn't qualify in Standard
she had a couple of good runs. On Sunday she only missed the contact on
the A frame, otherwise she ran a clean course. It surprised me that she
missed the contact and we are going to work on that. To make the
weekend even better Tien Tran was there taking photos and I got a couple
of great ones! Can't tell you how proud I am of her. She is the greatest!!!
Nov. 3rd 2001
BARK trial.
Boo got her first Open Standard leg on November 3 at the BARK Trial in
Mobile, Alabama with a score of 88 and a first place. Her time was
70.21. The course time was 72 (not bad considering she had a wrong
course and a refusal that took up some time). She was the only 8" dog
to qualfy in this event. I think over the weekend there was only two 8"
dogs that had qualifying scores in Open. The judge was Tracy Hanna. I understand she
has pretty tough courses. Not very many dogs qualified over the
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Click here to go to the Brag's page