Owned by Toni Rohlke
Nike got his NA title in Alpharetta, GA on Oct. 18, 2004. He got his title after three runs and three 1st places. He got his NAJ on February 7, 2004 in Kiln, Mississippi. All his qualifying runs were 1st places. We had alot of problems on our road to this title - knocked bars and wrong courses because of a slow handler and a very fast dog but we finally did it. We also have one qualifying run in Open Standard (Kiln, Ms in February) and two in Open Jumpers (one in Kiln in Feb. and one in Montgomery, AL earlier this month). We are still having a little problem with the weaves. Nike is near perfect in practice on the weaves (and very fast) but in trials he thinks they slow him down too much and he will bypass or pop out at the number 10 pole. It is very hard to get him to do it over because he wants to go!
Nike weaving
Visit Toni's other Agility Tibbie "Boo"!
Five Flags Dog Training Club-Visit Nike, Boo & Toni's training club!
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